Friday, June 24, 2011

crappy A$$ month of June

June... lets see. From the time of being a little girl, I ALWAYS loved June.. it was a time I looked forward to, School was out, the weather was nice, and MY BIRTHDAY!! 

We started this month on a bad note, and then things just kept getting worse. My dad's heart attack, although technically in May, it carried though till June, then the passing of both my Aunts  When they died it was almost like a black cloud following my family.

I then found out I was pregnant, but in the middle of miscarrying my precious baby. The situation surrounding it was all so odd. It really threw me thorough a loop. I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was already in the middle of miscarrying. I had a normal cycle, then shortly after that started bleeding. I had been bleeding for 9 days at that point when my friend mentioned that it was odd that I would be bleeding for that long, well I was bleeding because I was miscarrying.. I took a test and prayed that there was not a 2nd line..It has been the only time in my life that I prayed I was not pregnant... not because I don't want another child, but because I knew what the outcome would be. When that 2nd line showed up I was crushed... I hadn't even had time to be excited about it, although It was probably better the way it happened.  My numbers were taken on Friday they were at a 68, then again on Monday which was when it was confirmed that I was indeed miscarrying when my numbers were now only a 47. Talk about blow to the stomach. I was praying that maybe a polyp has popped or something. I had not had any cramping, or any type of pain.
Anyways, I spoke with the Dr. she said I should wait 2 to 3 cycles before we try.. which was the plan to begin with. So we are on for September, that is if I am feeling up to it.

During all of this my mom is dealing with a physco lady My brothers friend had called and asked if he could stay with them for a little bit, while his mom had her freak out. During the middle of the night she called the house saying that my parents kidnapped him and that my mom was trying to kill my dad, and that my brother hit my mom, and all this other crap. She then posted it online somewhere, as well as leaving it on my parents voicemail. I keep telling my mom she needs to file a police report but she doesn't want to. She doesn't want this boy to end up with CPS, or anything like that. She also says that she is trying to help  me cope with my loss and that's why she hasn't done anything about it yet. I keep telling her it needs to be on file somewhere so there is some kind of record of it.

there is a list of other crap but for now I am going to leave it at that.

I can not wait for June to be over with!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

life... in general

So a little bit about this month.. so far not turning out good, But I hope as we get closer to the end it will get better.
We start the month off in the hospital with my dad. He had a heart attack and stents put in. He was released and then re-admitted for Phenomena. He was there for 4 days with that. Two days after he was released my aunt (his sister) died of lymphoma. The crappy thing, no one bothered to call us to inform us. Five days after that my other aunt (his oldest sister) died. Her daughter called us the next day and told us about both of them passing. I am hoping thats the end of deaths for a while for our family!

As for the rest of the month there is good and some more bad. My good friend will be getting ready to TTC after a Vasectomy reversal.. I am super excited for her!!
Then I will be having an appointment with my dr to figure out my cycles so we can TTC in September.. so that is also exciting
and my 27th birthday is in there... depressing, but I am hoping to have some fun
Then my best friend is moving back home to TN.. I am really sad about that, but I know it's great news for her. Something she has been looking forward to for a long time.

We started doing schooling everyday with Miguel. We are just doing it little by little. encouraging learning activities, and incorporating learning into our everyday living. Miguel is even asking to do school work. So when he asks I will print out a paper and have him work on it.. they are fun for him, and he gets a sticker to put in his sticker book. I think he just wants the prize, but whatever works!!

Alex is sitting on his own now, for a good amount of time. Sometimes he gets excited about it and will throw himself back and will start laughing.
He loves his big brother, and gets a kick out of everything Miguel does.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 2 of homeschooling Pre-K

Day two was pretty much just getting our "classroom" together. We hung our alphabet charts our color charts, and other decorations around our play room. Miguel is asking to do pages out the work we got, so I have been letting hi do those throughout the day. He is getting into remembering the names of the colors if I get really excited for him. He loves that.. So lots of praise for the boy.
It seems like he learns like his mama.. he needs the attention to feel like what he is doing is actually meaning something to him.
We will be starting an everyday routine next week. I hope that he does good with that.

But this is some of the stuff we have been doing, at his request 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

secrets!! hush hush

Oscar and I have been talking... while these are not official plans, just merely plans set out on the table as of now.
BUT, We have been talking about TTC #3 come September. 

Our thoughts behind this, is that having a baby due in the summer time would be the best timing for us birthday wise (for the baby and for us financially each year). While we have also thought about ttc next September, we are leaning towards having them closer than we had Miguel and Alex. The plan would be only to try for the months that would give us that summer baby.. Sep, Oct, & Nov.. so if it doesn't happen this year we will be waiting for our next chance, although I don't think that we will try next year, we just may be waiting for the year after that.

If I would have known that having a 3 year old is a lot harder than having a 2 year old, I would have push Oscar to TTC sooner than we did.
I would much rather have had a new baby and a 2 year old than having a new baby and a 3 year old.

But those are our unofficial plans that are in the works.

So for now I have to get my cycles on track since they have been off since having Alex. I have been following them closely for a few months, each cycle has been 25 days with a late ovulation. So I will be heading to the dr to get her to help regulate them.. woo whoo for #3!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

first day of pre-school activities

So I decided to home school Miguel, so I went to the home school book sale with my friend and got materials and a preschool curriculum to help assist me.. I spent $8 that day, and got all the books that I would need for pre-school.
I still need to go get supplies, like poster board, construction paper, glue, scissors, well that sort of stuff.

I started off today with something small that would get Miguel's attention into colors. He knows them, but can't remember the names when asked.

We cut out ice cream cones from construction paper and pasted RED  Ice cream we cut on the cone. I then asked him to find a few red items around the house and after he found a few red toys we sprinkled red glitter on his ice cream. He had a blast making his ice cream cone.. Tomorrow we will continue with Red but we will be making something to do with Apples.

I am still trying to find the groove of things.. So just as I go I will be following my curriculum and then tweak things as I go along to fit with our needs.. I will also be starting with the alphabet tomorrow as well.