Tuesday, August 2, 2011

stay away.....

I have been staying off the computer as much as possible. I had found myself Obsessing over pregnancy website, and getting down about everyone being pregnant.
It has helped, but I am still finding myself depressed. I also wanted to stay off of Facebook cause I know everyone doesn't want to see me consistently post about being depressed. I had to start taking my natural remedy for depression again. I am hoping I feel it soon. I just started two days ago, yet I forgot to take them yesterday. 
What helps is having people to keep me busy, My boys, My mom, My friends, anyone really. But it's great to have my mom or friend here as well because when Miguel starts to act up rather than it really stressing me out I have someone to help me.

I was so afraid this was going to happen. When Oscar and I first started talking about trying for our last baby in September, before the miscarriage before anything ever happened. I had said I was scared about a miscarriage sending me back  into a spiral in depression.  Well look at where I am. Maybe not the spiral I thought but I am sure back in my depression. I am trying to do what I can to get out of my funk.  Any suggestions are welcomed!

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