Tuesday, June 14, 2011

life... in general

So a little bit about this month.. so far not turning out good, But I hope as we get closer to the end it will get better.
We start the month off in the hospital with my dad. He had a heart attack and stents put in. He was released and then re-admitted for Phenomena. He was there for 4 days with that. Two days after he was released my aunt (his sister) died of lymphoma. The crappy thing, no one bothered to call us to inform us. Five days after that my other aunt (his oldest sister) died. Her daughter called us the next day and told us about both of them passing. I am hoping thats the end of deaths for a while for our family!

As for the rest of the month there is good and some more bad. My good friend will be getting ready to TTC after a Vasectomy reversal.. I am super excited for her!!
Then I will be having an appointment with my dr to figure out my cycles so we can TTC in September.. so that is also exciting
and my 27th birthday is in there... depressing, but I am hoping to have some fun
Then my best friend is moving back home to TN.. I am really sad about that, but I know it's great news for her. Something she has been looking forward to for a long time.

We started doing schooling everyday with Miguel. We are just doing it little by little. encouraging learning activities, and incorporating learning into our everyday living. Miguel is even asking to do school work. So when he asks I will print out a paper and have him work on it.. they are fun for him, and he gets a sticker to put in his sticker book. I think he just wants the prize, but whatever works!!

Alex is sitting on his own now, for a good amount of time. Sometimes he gets excited about it and will throw himself back and will start laughing.
He loves his big brother, and gets a kick out of everything Miguel does.


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